Attention truckers

Get Matched With The Best Insurance Provider and Save Big on Trucking Insurance

We understand your business and connect you with the right provider from our network of 200+ to maximize your savings


Frequently Asked Questions

How does Tivly’s matching process help trucking companies save on insurance?

Tivly’s matching process saves trucking companies money by connecting you directly with insurance providers that are best suited to offer competitive rates for your specific needs. Instead of bidding, we evaluate your requirements and match you with providers who can offer the most favorable pricing and coverage options tailored to your trucking business.

How can Tivly’s network of insurance providers lead to cost savings for my trucking business?

Tivly’s network helps you save money by ensuring that you are matched with providers who specialize in trucking insurance and understand its unique risks. This targeted matching process helps secure the most competitive rates and appropriate coverage for your business, often leading to better pricing and more effective protection compared to general insurance offerings.

What makes Tivly’s approach to finding insurance more economical for trucking companies?

Tivly’s approach is more economical because we match you with insurance providers who are specifically suited to meet your trucking needs, rather than relying on a bidding process. This targeted matching helps streamline your search and ensures you receive competitive rates and customized coverage options that can reduce overall costs while meeting your insurance requirements.

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